Press Releases

February 5, 2010

News for Ani Ida Con 2011:

Ani Ida Con 2011 annonced for Boise, Idaho

Ani Ida Con would like to announce that it is preparing for it's first year event.
Ani Ida Con is being held over the March 11th 2011 weekend at the Boise Airport Holiday Inn Hotel in Boise, Idaho.
Ani Ida Con is hybrid convention serving both Anime and Sci-Fi type events while promoting a broad spectrum of interests and inviting members of the furry fandom to attend and enjoy their fandom.

Attending as Guests for Ani Ida Con are:
Raqs Attaq!
Michael Coleman
Tiffany Grant
Vic Mignogna
SEADS Lan Party who will be providing LAN Party services to attendees of the convention.

Ani Ida Con also is proud to have the following people on staff to help make it's first year a success.

Patrick Shaffer is a first time Convention Chairman and is very excited about Ani Ida Con 2011 and beyond.

"Chii" who is the head of the internal art department and is the Director of Operations. This is Her first time as a staff member of any convention.

Michael Swason comes to Ani Ida Con as a former head of "security" for Anime Oasis and a former staffer of Fandemonium, Michael also was a founder and runner of the Boise Rampage group in Boise, ID.
Michael is head of Ani Ida Con's safeness department.

"Pepper Oki" comes to Ani Ida Con with only the fur on her back as she's a first time convention member. She will be running the "Park Ranger" department which more of an ambassador type position with the Furry Fandom.

Holly Haws is also a first time convention staffer and will be assisting "Pepper" during the convention.

Coty Ternes comes to Ani Ida Con from Fandemonium with experience in computer and lan gaming along with console based gaming. Coty is Ani Ida Con's Director of Video Gaming and Internal Computer Services.

Kirsty Pew is Ani Ida Con's director of registration and brings previous experience from other conventions to this department.

Beth Lilienthal is one of Ani Ida Con Masters of Ceremonies and will be running several events for Ani Ida Con and working as a staffer of SEADS Lan Party.

MoNAC (Middle of Nowhere Anime Club) is one of Ani Ida Con's presenting partners.
Middle of Nowhere Anime Club is one of Idaho's oldest and largest Anime viewing clubs. They will be presenting one of the video rooms. Ani Ida Con is proud to have them run one of the video rooms for us due to the proud history that MoNAC has and it's selection process for viewing new anime.

Boise State University Anime Club is another presenting partnership with Ani Ida Con, BSU:AC will be operating a video room for Ani Ida Con as Ani Ida Con is a strong believer in BSU groups and clubs.

Ani Ida Con welcomes all inquires via digital media to be sent via either email or via Ani Ida Con's website. and at

Ani Ida Con would like to thank you for reading this and hopes to see you at Ani Ida Con 2011, March 11th through the 13th 2011 at the Boise Airport Holiday Inn, in Boise Idaho.
