Genese Davis
Los Angeles, CA

Genese Davis is an author, game writer, and narrative designer whose credits include - The Holder's Dominion - a pioneer novel in the gamer-lit genre which was heralded as a breakthrough story by Publishers Weekly, and Hogwarts Legacy, a 2023 action role-playing game developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. With a penchant for writing character-driven stories, Davis specializes in dialogue and worldbuilding. Davis studied writing at the University of Texas at Austin where she received her B.A. in English. She has crafted scripts for Mattel's American Girl series and authored sci-fi and fantasy novels for the global brand development creative house, Pop Life Entertainment Ltd., and for renowned icons such as Stan Lee. She's also a story-consultant for state of the art companies such as Amblin Entertainment. Genese Davis has extensive public speaking experience including live television interviews for major networks such as NBC and ABC. She's spoken on panels for prestigious conventions nationwide and hosted professional podcasts and live radio shows.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
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