Johnny Young

Los Angeles, CA

Johnny Young is a professional Actor who has been featured in Film, Television, Theater, Motion capture, and Voice Acting. Some of his work includes Ayla The Daughter of War (2017 Entry Oscar for Best foreign picture), Bosch (Amazon), Ghost Whisperer (CBS), Crossing Over (The Weinstein Company), Sharp, and Lonely Boy.
Fans can also find Johnny Voice and acting performance As Crypto in Respawns fast paced Apex Legends, D.Va's best friend DaeHyun in Blizzards wonderful world of Overwatch, and as Sho in the terrifying WWZ. He has also Voiced matched Michael Pitts stellar performance in the film Ghost in a Shell. Johnny is currently working on a few shows but cannot announce anything because of signed NDA contracts. Breach of contract might mean assassination by a clan of Ninjas so please be patient and be on the look out.
On his time off, Johnny is an avid gamer. You can find him on He also enjoys getting punched in the face doing Muay Thai and loves tapping out as a slow learning white belt in Juijitsu.
Connect with him on Twitter @JohnnyYoung115 and Instagram @Johnnyquest115.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
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