Remy Domino

New Orleans, LA

Remy Domino is an award winning cosplayer from New Orleans with over 12 years of cosplaying under her belt. After attending her first con back in grade school and marveling at all her favorite characters coming to life she knew she could never attend a convention without a cosplay ever again! A promise to herself she has kept ever since. Entirely self-taught, she started off with sewing back in 2005 and over the years she worked up to learning advanced techniques with a specific focus on the use of thermoplastics, foam and painting. Over time she gained the confidence to compete in cosplay contests with her creations and present panels on all she's learned. Share the wealth! Remy is always looking to learn something new and try out new materials, each character presenting a special challenge and a new opportunity. Her craftsmanship and creations have developed over the years into a cosplay style of her own as she continued to draw inspiration from comics, anime and video games. She especially enjoys genderbends and crossplay! This creative style of cosplaying has become her signature move! When Remy's not living the cosplay life or managing social media, she works as a practicing attorney (just like Daredevil!) Somehow she still finds time to do it all!
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- Fan Expo New Orleans 2023 - January 6-8, 2023 in New Orleans, LA
View Remy Domino on for 5 additional guest appearances