CheeseCakePanda Information



Bernalillo, NM

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Tyler, Otherwise known as CheeseCakePanda, is a local New Mexican cosplayer. She is fully self taught and has been cosplaying for about 6 years. Graduating in 2017 with a degree in film studies, she currently works freelance as a makeup artist for film and local independent projects. She aims to work in wardrobe and costume design. She builds all of your own cosplays as well as designs many herself. She specializes in armor and prop building as well as FX makeup. Making detailed armor, big fantasy dresses, and crazy makeup are some of her favorite things to do. She enjoys helping others learn by teaching past workshops and creating online tutorials. She travels to many cons.

Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances

View CheeseCakePanda on for 2 additional guest appearances

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