
YouTube Personality

RealBreakingNate is a YouTuber, Host and lover of all things from geek culture. Not to mention a certified Pokémon Professor!
Nate has been making YouTube videos on his channel for over a year now and eventually branched out from being on camera to also being in front of a live audience at conventions all throughout the country! Nate now appears as a guest at conventions hosting Pokémon panels, game shows, moderating celebrity panels, and more!
As far as YouTube most of the content Nate releases on his channel some how relates to Pokémon but Nate would say "I love making Pokémon videos because it's my favorite fandom but I honestly put up anything that I find interesting and want to share with my fans. If I want to make a video about building a Sea Monkey aquarium then I will!" Something he really did do. Don't believe us? Then look it up on his channel.
"I just love having fun and meeting new people honestly! There is nothing better than sharing your fandom that you love so much with someone else who has that same passion as you because 9 times out of 10 you're going to end up making a new friend. I love our geek community!"
One of the things Nate is really passionate about besides Pokémon and really anything geeky is anti-bullying. "As someone who was bullied pretty bad in school I try and do my part to make sure future kids love who they are and to never be ashamed of the things they enjoy in life. I will literately drop everything I am doing to talk to anyone, no matter their age, if they are having trouble with bullying.
It's so personal to my heart that I want to make sure I do what I can, even if it's something small! So if you ever see me at a convention please don't hesitate to come up and just talk about whatever is on your mind��and then we can discuss why Psyduck is the best Pokémon EVER!"
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- GalaxyCon Richmond 2020 - February 28 - March 1, 2020 in Richmond, VA 2019
- GalaxyCon Louisville 2019 - November 22-24, 2019 in Louisville, KY
- GalaxyCon Raleigh 2019 - July 25-28, 2019 in Raleigh, NC
View RealBreakingNate on for 19 additional guest appearances