Matthew Lassiter
Fashion Designer
50% Dangerous
Chattanooga, TN

50% DANGEROUS is the brand combination of Vedetta Marie and Matt Lassiter. Together, the entertainment duo bring excitement to fans through FASHION! With backgrounds in J-modeling and working with J-designers, Vedetta and Matt have gained experiences that have lead them to create their own brand "50% Dangerous"! Together Vedetta & Matt create custom fashion for clients ranging from industry guest to musical performers. Each collaboration is a exciting process where both the client and 50% Dangerous combine their fashion ideas and create one of a kind ensembles that are ready to walk the stage!
You can find out more about the duo at
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- Asheville Anime Regional Convention 2015 - August 1, 2015 in Asheville, NC
View Matthew Lassiter on for 21 additional guest appearances