Shawn McCauley
Comic Artist

Shawn got his start in the industry by penciling, inking, and coloring the horror comic book "Ritual" published by AAM/Markosia. Since then he's leant his line art talents to Zenescope's "Grimm Fairy Tales" and "Monster Hunter's Survival Guide." He has also collaborated on Discovery Channel's "10 Deadliest Sharks" and Moonstone's publication of "Sheena: Queen of the Jungle." All the while he's been writing and illustrating his creator owned comic "Shadows of Oblivion," and illustrating his co-created book "Dalrak the Mighty" with writer Seth Talley. Additionally Shawn privately teaches young aspiring artist the fundamentals of drawing and sequential art at PLaY! Music and Art. And writes tutorials on the Make Comics Not Excuses blog.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
Geekin Out 2017 - June 23-24, 2017 in Dothan, ALConvention Cancelled
View Shawn McCauley on for 3 additional guest appearances