Scott A. Melzer

Video Editor
Princeton, NJ

See also:
Scott is the head writer and director of the anime fan parody group NoN.D.E. Fanfilms. An anime fan since birth in 1966, Scott grew up on Speed Racer and Star Blazers, having no idea of the shows' origins. In college he learned the truth: they were anime from Japan, and there were uncut versions of these shows! And there were conventions! Rabid otakunization soon followed. In 2001 he tried his hand at directing fan parodies, and the homage to fans and fandom "This Is Otakudom" was the result, followed by "S.T.E.A.M.: The Movie" in 2005 and "Fanboy Soze" in 2011. Scott now spreads the joy of parodies by showing screenings of Abridged shows and Fan Parodies at cons along the east coast, as well as hosting the very adult, but very silly, "Hentai Comedy Game Show".
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- DerpyCon 2015 - December 4-6, 2015 in Morristown, NJ 2014
- DerpyCon 2014 - December 5-7, 2014 in Morristown, NJ
View Scott A. Melzer on for 32 additional guest appearances