Andrea Finnin

Former Chairman
Anime Boston
Franklin, MA

For the past eight years, Andrea Finnin's been the Lady Con Chair of Anime Boston. Starting out as the Co-Director of Security, she's tried her hand at a variety of roles during the convention's history including Director of Operations, Treasurer, and Vice Chair. Andrea holds the distinction of being the only executive staffer to be elect to, and hold, two leadership roles, and she's currently holds the title for longest seated Convention Chair - eight out of the 12 years the convention's been around. 2014 marks the end of her long career as a leader of the convention (though she's not going anywhere!) so that she can focus more on finishing her MBA.
When she's not working on Anime Boston she's working at MIT with the Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT). In addition to being the Program Manager for MIT's CERT she helps to control and manage access on the MIT's sprawling, multi-city campus as both the gatekeeper and the key master... you read that twice, didn't you? If so, you'll get along fine with Andrea.
In her free time (HA!) she likes to read, write, work on crafty projects, play games (tabletop RPG's, board games, and video games), and drink with friends...
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- Nauticon 2014 - May 2-4, 2014 in Provincetown, MA