Ian McConville
Web Comic Artist / Game Developer
Mac Hall Productions
San Francisco, CA

Ohio native, Ian McConville's creative medium of choice has always been pixels. After graduating with a degree in computer art, from Bowling Green State University, he set out to fill the world with polygon-goodness. With years of webcomics and video game mods under his belt, he quickly joined a San Francisco local company, Three Rings Design Inc, at which he currently acts as art lead on the SEGA published and award winning MMO "Spiral Knights." Other creative credits include online comics "MacHall.com" and "ThreePanelSoul.com." Follow Ian on twitter @polygoncherub.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- ConnectiCon 2009 - July 31 - August 2, 2009 in Hartford, CT
View Ian McConville on FanCons.com for 19 additional guest appearances