Eric Anderson Information

Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson

Special Effects Artist
The Shoggoth Assembly
Portland, ME

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See also: Etsy

Eric Anderson is a Portland based practical special effects and props artist who owns the company "The Shoggoth Assembly". He has worked with various films and series such as "Ragged Isle", "The Hanover House", "Damnationland 2015", "How to Kill a Zombie" and many more. He has also worked with local effects-heavy theater productions such as Killer Joe and The Lieutenant of Innismore.

On top of special effects makeup and prop work, he has also sold hundreds of silicone masks and other creations to customers around the world. His work has been featured in numerous photoshoots, bands, films and haunts and he is continually making new and interesting pieces to help you creep out the people around you.

Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances

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