Harrison Krix

Prop Maker
Volpin Props
Atlanta, GA

I've been building things for as long as I can remember. Propmaking has been a hobby and borderline obsession of mine since the end of 2007. Halloween was a gateway drug back then, and ever since I've spent my evenings and free time sculpting, molding, sanding, and carving. I tend to mainly skew towards replicas from video games and sci-fi, because everyone loves a good fantasy rifle.
Some of my projects have been commissioned and others have been just for fun, but they've all required a continuous learning process and have resulted in hours upon hours of effort. I rarely build the same thing twice; learning new materials, techniques, and skills is part of my addiction to my craft. I prefer to push myself to try new things and expand my skill set so I can continue to make more complex and intricate pieces with each new project I attempt.
After a marathon 6-hour long conference call about a logo for a pharmaceutical company in 2011, I quit my secure graphic design job to pursue the illustrious world of a freelance artist. In the winter of 2013 I moved out of my garage and set up a proper workspace in a 2800 square foot warehouse with a fellow artist friend of mine. My goal has always been to make amazing things; as long as I can keep learning and expanding my skills, I'll be happy.
Photo credit to Anne Almasy (www.annealmasy.com)
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
View Harrison Krix on FanCons.com for 17 additional guest appearances