Sara E. Mayhew

Manga Artist
Kirkland Lake, ON, Canada

See also: Legend of the Ztarr and Secrets of Sorcerers
International award-winning mangaka and 2009 TED Fellowship member, Sara E. Mayhew is a Canadian writer and illustrator striving to produce manga that promotes skepticism and critical thinking. Canada's prestigious graphic arts magazine, Applied Arts, featured her in their Young Blood article on "new talent commanding our attention". Sara was awarded the Northern Arts grant in 2007 by the Ontario Arts Council.
She has spoken on the TED Fellows stage at the prestigious TED (Technology Entertainment Design) conference, in 2009, in Long Beach, CA, and more recently at TEDActive 2010 in Palm Springs, CA. Currently, Sara is launching her newest series, Legend of the Ztarr, which aims to introduce manga readers to skeptical and humanist values through storytelling, available in the Apple iBookstore. Her blog, There Are Four Lights, combines art and science themes, with occasional pepperings of general geekdom and cuteness.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- Dragon*Con 2011 - September 2-5, 2011 in Atlanta, GA
Dragon*Con 2010 - September 3-6, 2010 in Atlanta, GACancelled Appearance
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