Steve Yun


See also: bio
While still a young college student and part-time hacker in 1998, Steve got his first job at an anime company as a digital animator. It was a dream come true for any fan who grew up on Robotech and Macross to be working somewhere in the anime industry. After slaving away through 80 hour work weeks and one really bad 100 hour work week where he started hallucinating from being awake too long, Steve called it quits and went back to Riverside where he got his B.A. in Creative Writing. Stay in school, kids!
Fresh out of college and eager to work in the anime industry again, Steve joined Harmony Gold to build the website, and has since co-produced and associate-produced several other projects as well, including the Macross restoration, the Robotech:Battlecry video game, the Robotech: Invasion video game, Robotech Remastered and Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles. Steve has also been featured in an anime documentary called Geeks, which he has still not had a chance to see.
Since its launch, has constantly been one of the busiest anime-related destinations on the internet, being the subject of a Slashdot article, a Conan O'Brien feature and mentioned on countless anime websites. You can email Steve at to send him Robotech-related fan mail, complaints, constructive criticism and suggestions.
Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances
- MechaCon 2016 - July 29-31, 2016 in New Orleans, LA 2005
- Cascadia Con 2005 - September 1-5, 2005 in Seattle, WA
View Steve Yun on for 45 additional guest appearances