Mikkakan 2001 Photo Gallery

Mikkakan 2001: Panels

These photos were taken by SciFiCons.com staff at Mikkakan 2001. All images are clickable for larger versions.

John Barrett and two girls from Estrigious Studios

John Barrett and two girls from Estrigious Studios

Jen, John, and Becky

Jen, John, and Becky

Becky from Estrigious Studios

Becky from Estrigious Studios

Mikka-chan and Mike Ray on the costuming panel

Mikka-chan and Mike Ray on the costuming panel

The other half of the costume panel audience

The other half of the costume panel audience

One half of the costume panel audience

One half of the costume panel audience

Jennifer Quick from Estrigious Studios

Jennifer Quick from Estrigious Studios

John Barrett, artist

John Barrett, artist

John Barrett again

John Barrett again

Neil Nadelman, translator

Neil Nadelman, translator

What the Dallas Observer thinks of Neil...

What the Dallas Observer thinks of Neil...

Chris and Mike share a humorous anecdote

Chris and Mike share a humorous anecdote

The left side of the "Gender Panel"

The left side of the "Gender Panel"

The right side of the "Gender Panel"

The right side of the "Gender Panel"

Mara K offers some design advice

Mara K offers some design advice

Chris Beveridge of Anime on DVD, Mike Toole of Anime Jump, and Mara K. of Girl Germs at the "Running an Anime Fansite" panel

Chris Beveridge of Anime on DVD, Mike Toole of Anime Jump, and Mara K. of Girl Germs at the "Running an Anime Fansite" panel

Tristan MacAvery, EVIL Mikka-chan, and Neil Nadelman

Tristan MacAvery, EVIL Mikka-chan, and Neil Nadelman

Tristan MacAvery, Mikka-chan, and Neil Nadelman

Tristan MacAvery, Mikka-chan, and Neil Nadelman

For more information about this event, please visit our Mikkakan 2001 page in our Conventions section.

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We respectfully ask that you do not link directly to our images from other web sites. Doing so increases our hosting costs for running this site. However, we won't mind if you download any photos of yourself to post on social media provided that you credit SciFiCons.com.
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-SciFiCons.com Staff