Mikkakan 2001 Photo Gallery

Mikkakan 2001: Miscellaneous

These photos were taken by SciFiCons.com staff at Mikkakan 2001. All images are clickable for larger versions.

Michi sings karaoke...

Michi sings karaoke...

Cosplay winners picked their prizes in the con suite

Cosplay winners picked their prizes in the con suite

The con suite was a happening place on Saturday!

The con suite was a happening place on Saturday!

Mike running karaoke

Mike running karaoke

Kero-chan got drunk on cream soda in the con suite

Kero-chan got drunk on cream soda in the con suite

Half of Chibi Moon is outside the Radisson

Half of Chibi Moon is outside the Radisson

The other half of Chibi Moon was at Anime Mid-Atlantic this weekend

The other half of Chibi Moon was at Anime Mid-Atlantic this weekend

Setting up for another round of DDR

Setting up for another round of DDR

People were hopping to Dance Dance Revolution

People were hopping to Dance Dance Revolution

The wonderful Mikkakan staff

The wonderful Mikkakan staff

Tristan MacAvery chats with Sam

Tristan MacAvery chats with Sam

For more information about this event, please visit our Mikkakan 2001 page in our Conventions section.

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-SciFiCons.com Staff