Keiji Inafune Information

Keiji Inafune

Video Game Creator


Born in 1965 in Osaka, Keiji INAFUNE is a famous video game producer. In 1987, he joined Capcom where he contributed to many successful video games. One of the series he worked on, Mega Man, became a best-seller of the company with over 29 million copies sold.

He goes on working on the concept of successful games and is considered as charismatic creator which fans love.

As an executive producer at Capcom, he took part in the success of cult games such as Resident Evil 4 or Monster Hunter, a phenomenon with 21 million copies sold worldwide.

In 2010, he left Capcom: he now runs a game and book publishing company, and a video game development one.

He is also working on board games and video games such as Kaio: King of Pirates (2012) on Nintendo 3DS.

Sci-fi Convention Guest Appearances

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